The Television tops the rank of the most permeable medium in mainstream media. Its ability to sustain viewers’ interest is without doubts the most effective. For this reason, advertisers and advertising agencies cut the rocks with their teeth. On the average, TV Ads costings are realized by the cost of an Ad to be seen by 1,000 people – the cost per thousand (CPM).

Hence, the cost of producing a television commercial is grossly high, weighing on the production costs and airtime costs. These factors are considered to be the primary factors that influence the cost of a television commercial.

An article published on Fit Small Business posits that the average TV ads costs $115,000 for a 30-seconds commercial on national network in the US and that airtime on popular TV shows are relatively higher than the charge in a national network.

The production of a TV commercial requires several working hands to deliver a professionally finished product.

In employing a professional production crew to create a TV commercial, you will also be contracting multiple professionals as well as a Producer, a Director, camera crews, editors, and several others.

Beverly boy productions in the US estimates over $5,000 to cover the crew member fee per ad production. This estimation is an offshoot of a defined pre-production planning. Television commercials are peculiarly weighty because it sends out and interprets a message that the radio and newspaper may not be able to convey vividly.

As established earlier, TV commercials require lots of funds and many factors are to be considered. These factors are considered to be outgrowths of the production and distribution factors. Hence, they will determine the budget for a TV commercial.


In the production of a TV ad, a shoot is most likely to be staged. A cast and a crew will have to be on standby, an animator or an illustrator may also be included. This selection is largely dependent on what will be displayed and how it would effectively serve the target audience.



Most TV ads take no longer than 60 seconds and lesser. An Ad with a longer duration will cost more than an Ad within a short time frame. It is pertinent to create an Ad that will encapsulate the message that is to be conveyed regardless of the time frame. Typically, a commercial ad will be delivered with different cut down lengths that can be used in numerous places. A proficient commercial director will shoot your commercial in consideration of how to best convey your message in those standard lengths. To get the finest results for money spent on TV commercials, it is logical to ask your production company if they can produce stills and GIFs for other marketing purposes too.


TV ads on national television networks are majorly higher than those on a local television network. A 60-minutes commercial on NTA is averaged at N2, 048,000 for a nationwide broadcast between 8pm to 9pm.


It is common knowledge that daytime TV commercials is targeted at young children particularly toddlers, the aged and retired and housewives, while prime-time TV commercials are targeted at young adults and adults. It is necessary to ascertain the time of the day in which your commercial should fit in. NTA offers N1, 750, 000 for a 30-minutes airtime between 8pm to 9pm on their Prime Time Belt. The charges may vary according to the periods and so it is important to have determined the time day of the day most suitable for your target audience.


An ad message must relay its message in relation to a particular group, except for when the product or service to be advertised is for a heterogeneous audience. An ad that promotes male accessories will be best expressed by a male actor or model. If a commercial will serve a larger audience, it should be aired on a national or cable networks.


Festive seasons come with a rush and a lot of competitions. So it is considered normal for advertisers to pay more than the usual for a TV broadcast as there will be limited time slots and more ads campaign.


Television networks situated in the metropolis are liable to charge more for ad spots. Channels television in Edo state is averaged at N9, 000, 000 for a 30-minutes ad while the ones situated in Lagos and Abuja are averaged at N11, 000, 000 at the same duration.


After the shoot, a skilled editor will be helpful in determining how to make a 15 or 30 second version of your commercial and will be able to present your message as effectively as a 60 second version. In addition to editing, motion graphics artists can be hired to add text and other animations or special effects. Other post-production tasks may include voice overs, music, a final audio mix, and color correction. Each task can add to the over-all cost of your commercial.

Even with its intricacies, Television commercials are revered and Fit Small Business elucidates the following as its merits;

  1. Reaches a large and wide audience.
  2. Advertises nationwide.
  3. Ability to tell a story that is not possible to tell in print.
  4. It is ideal for a business that wants to stay top of the mind.


It is has been argued that although, television commercials may be effective due to its

ability to reach a heterogeneous audience, it may not have an impact on the audience as;

  1. The audience may be a passive participant.
  2. May be distracted by an activity.
  3. Or maybe uninterested.