Bulk email service provider in Nigeria, Email is one of the most effective ways of marketing products and services online, but caution must be taken to ensure you are using the best email marketing software that can guarantee inbox delivery, hence the need to engage one of the trusted email marketing companies in Lagos Nigeria.
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Email marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing and selling products and services online. If you don’t use bulk email service now, you should consider adding this powerful marketing weapon to your kit of selling techniques.
Email marketing has become very popular nowadays because of just three simple things – it’s affordable, it’s easy and it works.
What is a bulk email service provider?
Apparently, the term email service provider means very little to most email users. However, email marketers are very conversant with the term. They understand that it is the engine that powers their marketing communication.
A bulk email service provider is simply a delivery engine for all of your marketing communication. Therefore, it follows that it is very important to select the right provider.
Choosing the right email marketing service is crucial to the success of your marketing campaign. In this article, you will learn some of the best tips and resources that will help you choose the best service for you.
Understanding bulk email marketing
Bulk email marketing, just as the name implies, it sending out a large number of emails to market your products and services. Email marketing can either be smart bulk marketing or dumb bulk email marketing.
So what’s the difference between the two? Well, let’s put it this way, if you think that bulk email marketing means buying thousands of emails for a few dollars, you will be very disappointed by very little results if your marketing campaign.
For example, if you keep receiving emails from a certain company, say Korea, and you’ve never been there and you don’t speak Korean, that’s a great example of dumb email marketing. You can’t even read the emails.
Therefore, you need to make sure that the recipients of your emails are able to understand you. If you don’t have your own mailing list, you can buy it from a good company that gathers emails. After that, you should think about the format and content of your email.
Why choosing the best bulk email marketing services is important?
Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing tools for businesses. It is so popular because it is easy to manage, it’s cost-effective, gives you full control and most importantly it allows you to establish direct contact with your customers.
It’s important to understand that most of your success with email marketing depends mainly on the email marketing software you choose. The platform or the software is actually responsible for making sure that your emails are successfully delivered.
Bulk email marketing is the solution for how to reach hundreds of potential customers in the least time possible. This is the most important advantage of email marketing campaigns but not the only one. Read on to discover more advantages of bulk email marketing.
- Cost-effective marketing campaigns
Have you ever performed a marketing campaign using traditional postal services? If you answered yes, then you know how much it costs to deliver your message to hundreds of potential customers.
An email marketing campaign can save you both time and money. It takes days for your letters to be delivered to addresses by post but it takes just a few seconds for your emails to be delivered to the inbox.
The cost-effectiveness of email marketing is just so attractive that every business owner is looking for the best bulk email marketing companies in Nigeria.
- Personalized emails
It would take a lot of time to write personalized letters for each customer using paper and a printer. In fact, that’s a difficult thing to do, and you definitely don’t want to think about it.
With a good email marketing software, you can send emails with a personal touch to each customer or potential customer. You refer to them with their names.
Besides, software packages, bulk email marketing campaigns are equipped with templates that may help you make your campaign even more personalized.
- Accessible
Another great reason for using bulk email marketing services is its accessibility since emails can be read on any device such as a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone. It is important to use a template with a responsive design so that the emails can be displayed correctly on any screen.
However, responsive design is something you should not worry about in email marketing because email marketing software provides this functionality.
- Effective
In addition to being cost-effective, another benefit of bulk email service is its great efficiency because it is about 40 times more effective than social networks.
- No duplicates
No one wants to receive the same email twice. A good bulk email marketing service makes sure that you send an email to the given address only once. Also, the email marketing software will track all sent emails and detect the bounced ones. This information is automatically stored in databases.
The software will help compile do-not-email lists and will check the recipients that open your letters and click on the links provided.
These functions altogether help improve your bulk email marketing campaign performance significantly.
- Interactive
These days email marketing goes beyond just writing simple text, now you can also make your campaigns more interactive. You can use different types of multimedia files in your campaigns such as images, videos, and gifs.
The multimedia files help you interact with your recipient and capture their attention in a better manner in order to get them to perform the desired action.
8 things the best bulk email service providers offer
A good email service provider should allow you to create highly engaging email newsletters with a user-friendly interface. Here are a few things the best bulk email service providers offer.
- Performance Dashboard.
As a bulk email marketer, you need the ability to track the performance of your emails. In fact, your success or failure depends on the individual performance of your email.
Therefore, you need to track various things including bounces, deliverability rates, blocks, spam and other metrics that will help measure your email performance.
The email marketing software should make these metrics readily available in a user-friendly and intuitive dashboard.
The more information you receive about your emails, the easier it becomes for you to make the necessary adjustments and improve your performance.
- Personalized Support
The best email service provider offers quick, personalized support with professionals who have what it takes to fix any type of customer problem.
Most of the times customers don’t even realize that good personalized support is a benefit until they need it. So, don’t wait until a problem occurs to determine if you will be talking to a robot for the next few hours, just look into what type of support you will be getting ahead of time.
- Automatic Throttling
When it comes to email deliverability rates, many new email marketers don’t know how important it is to throttle their email. Probably, they don’t even know what email throttling is.
First, it is important to know that new email senders should limit the amount of email they send on a new IP address. Gradually increasing the volume over time.
This means that you should throttle back on the amount of email you send on a new IP address to ensure the best deliverability. If you fail to do that, mailbox providers will think you are spamming, thus they will start filtering your mail to recipient’s spam folders or block it.
Therefore, you might a provider that offers automatic email throttling to allow your new IP address to grow properly.
- Automatic Bounce Handling
The best email service provider is one that cares about your email deliverability. They should go an extra step to make sure that you get the most from your email solution.
You need a provider with a built-in email suppression system that automatically adds hard email bounces and complaints to a personal suppression list.
For instance, if you happen accidentally send an email to an address that shouldn’t have received, they will be added to a suppression list and no longer receive your email.
Suppression list is one of the many tools that a good email service provider will offer to help automatically improve your email deliverability.
- Dedicated IPs
A dedicated IP address is a must-have for improving your email deliverability. When sending out bulk email, it is important to ensure that all your emails are coming from a consistent IP address.
Perhaps, if you have a dedicated server or a virtual private server and all of the emails originate from this machine, then this is pretty safe.
If the emails appear to originate from various IP addresses for the one domain, the mail servers will start to assume that the addresses are being spoofed and will start flag the email as spam.
You need a good email service provider that is capable of providing a dedicated IP address for sending an email.
- Customer Vetting Process
This is a turn off for spammers. A good email service provider vets all potential customers before actually allowing them to use their platform. This helps the provider to offer the best possible deliverability by supporting only legitimate senders.
- Programmatic Bulk Email Sending Through SMTP or API
A good email service provider knows the importance of email APIs and SMTP services for their clients. Therefore, they will have them readily available to their clients.
These APIs allow for easy sending, tracking and parsing email integration across many different frameworks such as Java, PHP, .NET and others.
- Free Trial
No one says no to free, right? Thus the best bulk email services will allow you to send bulk email for free. For some providers, the free option is more than just a trial, it’s an actual plan.
The free trial allows new customers to see what the platform offers and decide whether or not it’s a good fit for them. If a customer is are content with the free trial, they can continue to go ahead with the provider’s services.
How to choose the best bulk email service provider for your business
Email marketing has become more advanced, and more capable than ever. In these times when are experiencing a widespread adoption of machine learning and AI, email marketing and other sales tools can achieve a higher return on investment (ROI) than before.
Whether it is the first time you’re in the market for a bulk email service provider or you’re thinking about upgrading your current email provider, there are a few things you need to consider.
- Your budget
There is a range of price points for email service providers, so you should do your research and make sure you’re comfortable with the amount you choose to spend. You can actually find an email service provider with a variety of price points.
- Your goals
What are your goals for using an email marketing service? Do you just want to do some basic email marketing for the time being? Or are you planning to send out huge amounts of email campaigns to thousands of email list subscribers?
You need to determine your goals because they will help make an informed decision about selecting the right email service provider.
- What level of tech support do you need?
Some email service providers offer 24-hour, seven-day-a-week technical support by phone while others offer limited email ticket support.
When you’re choosing an email service provider, you need to consider the level of tech support you will expect from the service. If you want around the clock support go for a provider that offers exactly that.
- Company reputation
Company reputation is an important factor to consider even for other types of businesses. Of course, you want a partner with a reputable and reliable company. Therefore, you should choose a company that has a solid reputation and has been in business for quite some time.
To know the reputation of a company, you can read reviews online or talk to friends and colleagues about their email service provider experiences.
- Deliverability
In email marketing, results can only be available or seen when the emails get to your recipients’ inboxes. So, you want to be sure that your emails are delivered to your recipients’ inboxes.
If your emails are blocked by internet service providers or spam filters, you will lose conversions as well as hurt your organization’s email reputation.
An email service provider should provide the best deliverability support and authentication. You should inquire about and compare the deliverability rates of different providers.
- The user interface
This is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing an email service provider. You might find that some tools feel easier to use than others when you’re trying to design and send emails to your list.
So, you should test several email service providers before you make your final choice. Check out the free trials and definitely go for the easy-to-use user interface.
- Detailed report
A good email service provider provides detailed reporting on your email campaigns. The reporting offers useful insights to improve your campaigns and should include daily delivery rates, rates at which subscribers open emails and the rate at which subscribers click links included in the emails.
Also, you should know which subscribers completed each of these actions. These metrics help you measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
- Internet connections
It’s always important to choose a provider with multiple internet connections. A good email service provider should have multiple, high-speed internet connections through several sources. This ensures reliability should one of the internet connections fail.
- List building tools
Another important feature to look for is list building tools. Many automation tools come with them built-in. this can save you from the need to invest in a third-party tool. However, third-party tools can be a powerful addition to your email stack.
- Integration
Smartphones, tablets and social sites are popular right now, and this popularity is increasing. That’s why email marketing is becoming more and more closely tied with other marketing channels.
A good email service provider should help you manage your organization’s presence on social sites and collect useful data. Additionally, it should ensure that your subscribers have an optimal viewing experience on all devices they may be using.
- Implementation support
Your email service provider should help you get up and running on the new platform. This helps you reap its benefits faster. So, you want to know how long the implementation process will take, the tasks that need to be completed, and who will be responsible for completing those tasks – is it your organization’s team or of the email service provider’s.
How to effectively use an email service provider?
Once you have settled on a particular email service provider you need to make sure that it performs certain functions. The most important part here is list management where you create strategic segments in your email list that relate to certain demographics.
Your email service provider should help you create the list, which they do by making it easy for users to opt-in. to driver consumer interest you need lead generation, and the lead is created through content marketing in an email.
The lead should then create a follow-through action, like joining the subscriber list. Email marketers need to create a responsive web design that will generate a lead. A well-designed email will drive leads deeper into the sales funnel.
A good design helps make more sales. Content strategies revolve around everything from the subject line, to imagery to the purpose of the content, all in order nurture the consumer to perform the desired action and follow through.
Bulk email marketing messages
Bulk email marketing messages are different and they may include:
- Email newsletters
This type of email is designed to keep customers updated on the latest company news and build an ongoing relationship as well. These emails might alert subscribers about an upcoming event or webinar or announce a product launch.
Additionally, brands can experience success sharing relevant content with readers including strategies, articles and other resources designed to keep them informed and entertained.
- Emails to drive acquisition
These are usually targeted to new subscribers who opt-in to receive your messages by providing their email addresses. The purpose of these emails is to motivate them to take some kind of the desired action that converts them into a customer.
- Promotional emails
As the name implies, promotional emails are for promoting your products or services. If you have a big sale coming up, you definitely want to let your customer mailing list know. These email marketing messages are very common.
They should be used strategically, especially in a way that helps you stand out in order to lead tom more open rates.
- Emails to retain existing customers
Yes, you need to send out email messages that will help retain existing customers. These email messages help you keep in touch with your existing customers to encourage repeat business.
You can send a special offer or even wish them a happy birthday. Just personalize your messages to keep you top of mind and let your audience know you care about them.
You have learned a lot about email marketing services. You now know how to choose the best and right bulk email service provider. With several email marketing companies in Nigeria, it is now easier for you to choose the best that will address all of your email marketing needs.
Our email marketing solution can help you go about your email marketing efficiently and effectively. You will receive reliable insights that will help you understand how your bulk emails are performing.
This will help you figure out the best day and time to send your emails and other measures to take to improve the performance of your campaign.
You need customizable solutions that are flexible and scalable. With the right email personalization options, your customers will never feel like they are receiving a mass email. You need the right and readily available customer and technical support so that your needs are met promptly.
Call 08140806869, 07014039333 for details